My contribution... Be an invitation to sow even more joy, magic, laughter and awareness in SELF and in this world... and beyond; by specially accompanying Women to create a new reality where they dare to shine and honor themselves.
Having grown up in a family where the refrain was more often than not: don't do this, don't do that, but no it's too dangerous, be beautiful, sit down and listen; in my heart of hearts I told myself that this couldn't be life, boring and flat. There were so many limitations.
In 1992 Reiki came into my life, from then on I felt that something different, a bigger universe had just opened up.
During an initiatory journey that lasted 10 years, came Kundalini Yoga & Meditations, Laughter Yoga, as well as Childplay Yoga, Lady companion as well as Companion in palliative care and bereavement, which allowed me to learn more about life, about myself and starting a healing process.
I have enriched my life with Theta Healing®, The Alchemy of Possibilities®, Holistic Life Coach. To enhance my life mission, to sow even more joy, magic and lightness, training with the Dr.Clown school. Well yes, the clown has the right to do everything hahaha! Then, I asked life for a big change, more magic and joy and in 2019, Access Consciousness® tools created by Gary Douglas, arrived in my life. Reading the book "Be You and Change the World" by Dain Heer, I felt an indescribable joy in my whole being. I was reconnecting to the magic of the gift of who I am in all my wholeness, as well as my birthright to exist, to shine, to be happy and to experience abundance.
*After the 1st session of Access Bars, I perceived a lot more lightness and space in my reality. The following week I received a 2nd session where there, it was as if a thick layer of "yarki" which did not belong to me had just taken the edge leaving me lighter, more joyful with an openness that anything was possible . The 3rd week I signed up for my 1st Access Bars training where I had chosen to open myself up to even greater things, to Infinite Possibilities.
And WOW, the 4 months that followed were a rich and magical adventure of new Access Consciousness® trainings that allowed me to become an Access Bars®, Energy Facelift and Body Process Facilitator.
All full of super cool tools, which completely transformed the way I perceived my reality. Among other things, I learned how to release the fixed points of view and conclusions that were locked in my body and to honor me. I had regained my power to consciously create my own reality. I was far from suspecting myself when I chose to embark on this adventure, that life could be so much more expansive than when I was trying to fit into a mold.
And there, I asked: "What could create even more joy and even more expansion in my reality? ZUMBA! Hahaha
*Since I learned to honor myself, to trust my feelings by taking action with confidence; I am so happy! I am proud of the woman that I am.
*I continue the "updates" my world with Dr. Kataria the founder of Laughter Yoga as well as with Access Consciousness and all that is required to "Sow even more Joy, Consciousness in this world"
What a joy to be able to facilitate these trainings by sharing these tools with people and that if they choose, to open themselves to even more magic, consciousness and more Infinite Possibilities!
It all starts with a choice! And you, what do you choose?
Are you ready to create change in one or more aspects of your life?
Are you ready to choose to be happy? Would you like to be guided to create a change in your life, to create a new reality or to achieve a goal?
So if you choose to invite even more joy, transformation, consciousness, lightness and abundance into your life, it will be my pleasure to accompany you so that you can create and live a life beyond your dreams! |